Market Roundup 24th October 2023.

Markets     % Change YTD (%)   JSE 70,100.28 -0.14% -4.04% NGX ASI 66,876.92 -0.06% 30.49% NASI 92.58 -0.63% -34.89% MASI 12,263.0 -0.15% 14.0% EGX 30 22,572.49 2.01% 38.5% Brent Crude Oil    90.32 -1.08% 5.1% Natural Gas 2.906 0.83% -29.1% I&E FX Window   793.34 Parallel Market  1225.00 Nigerian Treasury Bill (Average Yield %) […]

Market Roundup 23rd October 2023

Markets     % Change YTD (%)   JSE 70,198.01 -1.08% -3.9% NGX ASI 66,915.41 -0.27% 30.56% NASI 93.17 -0.08% -26.91% MASI 12,263.0 0.52% 14.2% EGX 30 22,128 2.3% 35.7% Brent Crude Oil    91.31 -2.13% 6.3% Natural Gas 2.882 -2.24% -29.7% I&E FX Window   808.27 Parallel Market  1160.00 Nigerian Treasury Bill (Average Yield %) […]

Market Roundup 20th October 2023

Markets     % Change YTD (%)   JSE 70,961.33 -1.4% -2.86% NGX ASI 67,098.80 -0.38% 30.92% NASI 93.17 -0.08% -26.91% MASI 12,263.0 0.52% 14.2% EGX 30 21,616.6 -2.26% 32.6% Brent Crude Oil    91.02 2.50% 8.6% Natural Gas 3.074 -4.10% -28.1% I&E FX Window   782.68 Parallel Market  1145.00 Nigerian Treasury Bill (Average Yield %) […]

Market Roundup 19th October 2023

market roundup 18th October 2023

Markets     % Change YTD (%)   JSE 71,968.67 -1.19% -1.48% NGX ASI 67,353.93 0.04% 31.42% NASI 93.24 -0.02% -26.85% MASI 12,137.0 -0.46% 13.0% EGX 30 22,117.4 0.20% 35.7% Brent Crude Oil    91.02 -0.61% 5.9% Natural Gas 3.072 0.07% -25.0% I&E FX Window   790.68 Parallel Market  1090.00 Nigerian Treasury Bill (Average Yield %) […]

Market Roundup 18th October 2023

market roundup 18th October 2023

Markets     % Change YTD (%)   JSE 72,831.80 -0.43% -0.3% NGX ASI 67,326.93 0.43% 31.37% NASI 93.26 -0.1% -26.84% MASI 12,137.0 -0.46% 13.0% EGX 30 22,073.95 4.95% 35.4% Brent Crude Oil    91.58 2.22% 6.6% Natural Gas 3.072 -1.16% -25.1% I&E FX Window   848.12 Parallel Market  1050.00 Nigerian Treasury Bill (Average Yield %) […]

Nigeria’s President continues the sketchy cash transfer project of his predecessor

Nigeria’s President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has reiterated the administration’s commitment to continue the sketchy and non-transparent conditional cash transfer policy of his predecessor. This time, the government will be providing 15 million households with N25,000 over three months. The overall policy is a combination of the CCT and business grants via the National Social Safety […]

France to withdraw troops from Niger end of year

President Macron of France says the country will withdraw its troops from Niger at the end of this year. The relationship between France and Niger has deteriorated rapidly since the coup in the African country, Nigeria’s neigbour to the North. First, the French ambassador will leave immediately while the troops will leave end of year. […]

Tall order on SDGs

After the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) 78th meeting last week, one of the conclusions was that it will be difficult to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets set for 2030. The ambitious 17-point Agenda set in 2015 to promote prosperity, address inequalities, while protecting the environment did not envisage the catastrophic global economic […]

Egypt and IMF agree to merge review

The Arab Republic of Egypt and the International Monetary Fund (IMD) has agreed to merge the first and second review of its US $3 billion extended arrangement agreed December 2022. The first review was supposed to hold in March 2023 and the second this month. Those reviews will now hold together. The IMF support was […]