ThinkBusiness Africa investigations show that the World Bank has approved support for programmes and projects in Nigeria totalling an estimated US $19 billion since 2019. These are principal amounts approved by the World Bank, either as loans from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) arm or credit grants from the International Development Association (IDA).
However, these data masks the difference between the principal amount approved by the Bank and the amount disbursed under the different programmes. The difference is largely accounted for by the inability of the government of Nigeria or the State government to meet the conditions for full disbursements, and predetermined timelines for disbursements.
Analysis of the loans and grants shows that the World Bank has supported different categories of projects, including for stabilization and stimulus; renewable energy; gender and girls’ education; business reforms; safety net for the vulnerable in the society; water supply; digital identification; power sector reforms and recovery; and rural access in that period.
Indeed, for the 10-year period between 2015 and 2024, the World Bank has given Nigeria a total of US $21 billion in combined IBRD loans of about US $3 billion and IDA credits of US $18 billion. This is about 75% of the total amount the World Bank has given Nigeria since the first loan in 1947.
Starting from the first loan to the country in 1947, the World Bank has given a total of about US $39 billion in loans and credit. The original principal value of IBRD loans was US $9,442 million and of IDA credits at US $29,168. The data thus showing that Nigeria has received more credits than loans, a reflection of the country’s low-income status. It also shows that 75% of the total amount in the last 10 years compared to decades before then, showing the extreme weak economic conditions of the last decade.
Project Title | Commitment Amount in US $M | Start Date |
Nigeria Rural Access and Agricultural Marketing Project | 510 | 2020 |
Ogun State Economic Transformation Project | 250 | 2020 |
Innovation Development and Effectiveness in the Acq. of Skills (IDEAS) | 200 | 2020 |
Nigeria Improved Child Survival Program for Human Capital MPA | 650 | 2020 |
Nigeria Digital Identification for Development Project | 430 | 2020 |
Sustainable Procurement, Env. and Soc. Standards Enhancement (SPESSE) | 800 | 2020 |
Additional Financing for MCRP | 1760 | 2020 |
Power Sector Recovery Performance Based Operation | 750 | 2020 |
Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning and Empowerment | 500 | 2020 |
Nigeria COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Project | 514.3 | 2020 |
Edo Basic Education Sector and Skills Transformation Operation | 750 | 2020 |
Nigeria SFTAS Additional Financing for Covid-19 Response PforR | 750 | 2020 |
Community Action (for) Resilience and Economic Stimulus Program | 750 | 2020 |
Nigeria Distribution Sector Recovery Program | 1200 | 2021 |
Nigeria Sustainable Urban + Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene | 700 | 2021 |
COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Project Additional Financing | 400 | 2021 |
Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL) | 700 | 2021 |
National Social Safety Net Program-Scale Up | 800 | 2021 |
Better Education Service Delivery for All Operation Add. financing | 123.8 | 2021 |
Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support Project | 500 | 2022 |
Modernizing Financial and Data Management Systems in Borno State | 350 | 2022 |
Nigeria: State Action on Business Enabling Reforms (SABER) Program | 750 | 2022 |
M&E Support for NFWP | 234 | 2022 |
Umbrella Organization to Support Nigeria for Women Projects | 390 | 2022 |
Nigeria – AF Power Sector Recovery Performance Based Operation | 750 | 2023 |
Nigeria for Women Program Scale Up Project | 500 | 2023 |
Additional Financing for Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning and Emp. | 700 | 2023 |
Nigeria Distributed Access through Renewable Energy Scale-up Project | 750 | 2023 |
NG Accelerating Resource Mobilization Reforms PforR | 750 | 2024 |
Reforms for Economic Stabilization to Enable Transformation (RESET) DPF | 1500 | 2024 |